Independent Adoption
Santa Barbara Department of Social Services can offer assistance and services to parents who want to relinquish their child to the agency for purposes of adoption, but it does not operate a program to facilitate independent adoption. You can find out more about independent adoption services by contacting your local California Department of Social Services (CDSs) Adoption Regional office and working directly with an Adoption Service Provider.
In an independent adoption, the birth parent(s) choose the adoptive parent(s) and place the child directly with them. When making this decision, a birth parent must have personal knowledge of certain facts about the prospective adoptive parent(s). The birth parent will work with an Adoption Service Provider (ASP) and must receive advisement of rights, responsibilities, and options from their provider. The birth parent(s) must sign an Independent Adoption Placement Agreement (AD 924), which in 30 days automatically becomes an irrevocable consent to adoption unless revoked within that time. A probate guardian who wishes to seek adoption of a child who they have cared for would use the Independent Adoption process. You may get more details on Adoption Service Providers at
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